mercoledì 24 aprile 2013


di Eleonora Niko Qeparoi   

DOLCI SOGNI  Mária Szánthó (1898-1984)

E mbusha jastekun me endrra,
Poshte, siper, anash, kudo i vendosa,
I bera si fiqte kallamates qe bente nena.
Rreshtuar nje nga nje ne fije zhuke te thata
Nga burimet e plazhit te Skalomes, t’embla…
Cuditerisht, zbavitem me endrrat e mia
Here si xixellonja ne tavan me ndrijne
Here i kthej ne mijra margaritare qe vezullojne,
Sa here djajte mundohen, gjumin te ma largojne! 
4 Tetor-12

I filled my pillow with dreams
Below, above, sideways, 
I placed them everywhere
Piled them up like the dry figs 
my mom used to pack together
one on top of the other, 
hanging by a dry thread of the zhuke plant
found in the sources of sweet freshwater
at the Ionian sea, Skaloma’s beach ...
Strangely, I get lost in my dreams 
like fireflies they lighten up the ceiling 
sometimes, I transform them
into thousands of twinkled pearls 
but sometimes devils attempt to repeal ! 

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